Art on Paper 2018!

Penny - "Dead On The Money"

Spoke Art is incredibly excited to announce our debut at Art on Paper! Find us at Booth #101. For this year's Art on Paper, we will be exhibiting work by Chuck Sperry, Penny, and select works from our ongoing Moleskine Project. 

Complimentary VIP passes are available, to inquire please email the gallery at

Art on Paper is located at Pier 36, 299 South Street in Downtown Manhattan. 

Fair Hours:
Thursday, March 8th - VIP Preview - 6:00 - 10:00pm
Friday, March 9th - 11:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday, March 10th - 11:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday, March 11th - 12:00 - 6:00 pm

Chuck Sperry - "The Sphinx"

Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Release of new editions by Chuck Sperry
We are pleased to announce that we will be releasing an edition of Chuck Sperry's "The Sphinx" (seen above) on wood panel, as well as an edition and variants on paper. Please note: This release will be first come, first served and there will be no daily allocations and no lottery. Attendees will be able to purchase one panel (while they last), one archive paper print and one copy of "The Sphinx". Customers must be at least 18 years of age.
Please join us for the opening night reception if you would like to purchase a copy of "The Sphinx" or any of the archive editions that we will have on hand, as we expect these to sell quickly. As always, we recommend lining up early.

Penny - "Cuts"
Aaron Nagel - "Portrait of Lydia"
Alessandra Maria - "Chrysanthemum VI"
Dorian Vallejo - "Here and Then"
Hope Kroll - "High Anxiety"
Sergio Lopez - "Largerfeld Variance 1"
Kim Cogan - "Ocean View"
Stella Im Hultberg - "Camellias"