About the exhibition, Tutor states, “The Supersonic Invitational has become a definitive representation of the New Contemporary Art movement by showcasing emerging talents and established artists side by side as a who’s who for the coming year. A physical manifestation of my web site, Supersonic Art, these are the artists I find most interesting and most alive with creativity in the world today. They are the sparks and the fires that can give us hope in such despairing times.”

Please join us Saturday, April 6th from 6 - 9 pm for the opening reception of “The 8th Annual Supersonic Invitational”. Complimentary beverages will be served and some of the artists will be in attendance, as well as curator Zach Tutor. For more information, or additional images, please email us at sf@spoke-art.com.

Participating Artists Include:
Daliah Ammar | Bael | Tom Bagshaw | Kelsey Beckett | Steven Black | Lauren Brevner | Kaplan Bunce | Luke Cheuh | Joshua Cocking |Nigel Cox | Bob Dob | Nicolas Romero Escalada | Ken Flewellyn | Alex Garant | Kamea Hadar | Shoko Ishida | Sarah Joncas | Alex Kiessling | Steve Kim | Lapstract | So Youn Lee | Dan Levin | Scott Listfield | Sergio Lopez | Amanda Lynn | Alessandra Maria | Rebecca Mason Adams | Mayonaize | Marco Mazzoni | Meggs | Joanne Nam | Kim Omolade | ONEQ | Pat Perry | Joel Daniel Phillips | Allison Reimold | Julio Reyes | Matt Ritchie | Nick Sheehy | Pruch Sintunava | Bisco Smith | Tatiana Suarez | Juan Travieso | Dorian Vallejo | Roos van der Vliet | Emilio Villalba | Helice Wen | Paul White | Sam Wolfe Connelly | Lauren YS | Zoltron