Miyazaki Mania at the Roxie Theater!

My Neighbor Totoro poster by Joshua Budich

My Neighbor Totoro by Joshua Budich


The Roxie, Spoke Art and MiDNITES FOR MANiACS bring you six of your favorite Miyazaki films. Accompanied by new screen prints in Spoke Art’s ongoing Roxie poster series. Hosted by Jesse Hawthorne Ficks.

To celebrate, Spoke Art has curated a series of posters including new and reimagined works by Joshua Budich, Bruce Yan, Tracie Ching, Alexander Iaccarino and Guillaume Morellec. All posters will be available for purchase inside the theater lobby with an online release scheduled for Thursday December 26th in our online store.

Friday, 12/20
6:30p – Spirited Away (35mm, subbed)
9:15p – Princess Mononoke (35mm, subbed)

Saturday, 12/21
1:45p – My Neighbor Totoro (digital, dubbed)
4:00p – Ponyo (digital, subbed)
6:45p – Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (35mm, subbed)
9:30p – Spirited Away (35mm, subbed)

Sunday, 12/22
4:00p – My Neighbor Totoro (35mm, subbed)
6:15p – Porco Rosso (digital, subbed)
8:30p – Princess Mononoke (35mm, subbed)

Individual tickets are $14. Passes to see all 6 available until supplies last for $70. Buy your tickets here.

Joshua Budich Nausicaa
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by Joshua Budich
Miyazaki tokens by Bruce Yan
Limited edition metal tokens by Bruce Yan
Princess Mononoke by Guillaume Morellec
Princess Mononoke by Guillaume Morellec
Tracie Ching Spirited Away
Spirited Away by Tracie Ching
Bruce Yan My Neighbor Totoro
My Neighbor Totoro by Bruce Yan
Princess Mononoke by Alexander Iaccarino
Princess Mononoke (glow in the dark variant) by Alexander Iaccarino