Spoke Art and the Roxie Theater are pleased to present a very special 35mm screening of Satoshi Kon's iconic animated film, Paprika. Originally released in 2006, Paprika received a Golden Lion (Best Film) Nomination at the Venice Film Festival and is rumored to have served as an inspiration for Christopher Nolan's 2010 film, Inception.
Please join us on Friday, September 13th in San Francisco for our 35mm screening of Paprika which will be presented in it's original Japanese with English subtitles. A brand new screen print by artist Nikita Kaun will be available for purchase in the theater lobby.
Additional screenings have been added, please check the Roxie Theater website for more details.
If you'd like to purchase a screen print, please join us at the theater on September 13th or visit our online store on Tuesday September 17th at 10AM PT.