Well we made it, 2020 is finally coming to an end! For a year that really tried its best to get us down, we were blown away by all your support and encouragement throughout this time.
Although we had to make changes to our exhibitions and a majority of them were virtual, you all have been amazing and supportive to us. During a year of so much division, our community of collectors, supporters, and artists continued to show us just how fortunate we are to be a part of your world.
Below you'll find direct links to all our group exhibitions of 2020, including: The Moleskine Project at POW! WOW! Hawai'i, Miyazaki in NYC, Suggetivism, The Ninth Annual Supersonic Invitational, Draw Me Like One of Your Final Girls, FLW Timeless and NSFW, as well as solo shows by artists Scott Listfield and Peter Adamyan.
Here's to another year of sharing art with continued growth and inclusion in our community. We couldn't ask for anything more.
Cheers to 2021!!
From all of us at Spoke Art, thank you.
The Moleskine Project
On view during Pow! Wow! Hawai'i
February 13th - 16th 2020
Honolulu, HI
My Neighbor Hayao
Pop up exhibition
April 16th - 19th 2020
New York City
Suggestivism Resonance
July 11th - 25th 2020
San Francisco, CA
Scott Listfield: Quarantine
September 19th - October 10th 2020
New York City
The 9th Annual Supersonic Invitational
October 3rd - 24th 2020
San Francisco, CA
Frank Lloyd Wright: Timless
October 23rd - 25th 2020
Taliesin West, Scottsdale AZ
Draw Me Like One of Your Final Girls
October 29th - November 1st 2020
San Francisco, CA
November 7th - 28th 2020
San Francisco, CA
Peter Adamyan - First World Cargo Cult
December 5th - 26th 2020
San Francisco, CA